Thread: Small winnings
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Old 10-26-2005, 12:03 PM
Guthrie Guthrie is offline
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Posts: 471
Default Re: Small winnings

If you can make 10% ROI at the 11s, that's a return of $1.10 each, so you need to play 20 a day to make your 20 bucks. Easy work. As others have said, however, you can't count on a steady return day by day. One day you'll make $40, the next day you'll make zip. Also keep in mind that 20 11s a day will require a daily investment of $220. A couple of bad days can really ruin your month. Losing 10 in a row isn't that uncommon.

Short answer: Take the fast-food job and play poker on the side until you can handle the swings.
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