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Old 10-26-2005, 11:06 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default More Free Speech In Iran

(excerpt)"1 step closer to an atomic Iran
Posted: September 27, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
...Last Thursday, just days before the vote, the mullahs held a military parade in Tehran, flaunting their Shahab-3 missiles, replete with Iran's typically belligerent slogans written on them – "Death to America," "We will crush America under our feet" and "Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth." This was how the mullahs began their "Sacred Defense Week," celebrating the outbreak of their suicidal eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s. The display prompted the military attaches from the embassies of France, Italy, Greece and Poland to walk away in protest."...
(end excerpt)

(excerpt)"TEHRAN, Iran Oct 31, 2004 — Iran's parliament unanimously approved the outline of a bill Sunday that would require the government to resume uranium enrichment, legislation likely to deepen an international dispute over Iran's nuclear activities.

Separately, Iran's top nuclear negotiator said there was a 50 percent chance of a nuclear compromise with European nations, though he ruled out an indefinite suspension of key enrichment activities.

Shouts of "Death to America!" rang out in the conservative-dominated parliament after lawmakers voted to advance the nation's nuclear program, an issue of national pride that provides a rare point of agreement between conservatives and reformers. "
(end excerpt)

The above two articles made me seriously wonder if perhaps America ought wait until the next meeting of the Iranian Parliament, and then blow that parliamentary building to smithereens along with the mullahs and lawmakers in it.

However, the next article shows that the problem goes somewhat deeper and broader than merely the mullahs and their parliament:

(excerpt)"In a speech broadcast by Iranian TV, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei threatened the US. The following are excerpts:

Khamenei:People must not view Jihad or martyrdom lightly. They must not deny or doubt the nation's religious beliefs. We will not negotiate with anyone over the interests of our people and country. In order for the enemies of the country and the people to make excuses for their hostility, they say: "The Iranian regime has endangered our interests." The Americans say: "The Iranian regime endangered the interest of America." We are in

Crowd: Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Khamenei:We, the Iranian people, within the borders of our country, will cut off any hand that harms our scientific, natural, human, or technological interests. We will cut off the hand that is sent to invade and work against our people's interests. We will do this with no hesitation.

Crowd: Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Khamenei is the leader

Death to those who reject

the of the rule of Jurisprudent

Blessings upon the warriors of Islam.

Peace upon the martyrs.

Death to America

Death to England

Death to hypocrites (Mojahedin-e-Khalq) and Saddam

Death to Israel

Khamenei: If the enemy has the audacity to harm and invade, our blows against it will not be limited to the borders of our country. The interests...

Crowd: Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commands me to wage Jihad.

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commandsme to wage Jihad.

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commands me to wage Jihad.

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commands me to wage Jihad.

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commands me to wage Jihad.

Woe (to the enemy) if Khamenei commands me to wage Jihad.

Khamenei: If someone harms our people and invades (our country), we will endanger his interests anywhere in the world.

Crowd: Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Allah Akbar

Khamenei is the leader

Death to those who reject the of the rule of Jurisprudent

Blessings upon the warriors of Islam.

Peace upon the martyrs.

Death to America

Death to England

Death to hypocrites

(Mojahedin-e-Khalq) and Saddam

Death to Israel

I think I'm beginning to see why you are a misanthrope.
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