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Old 10-26-2005, 04:42 AM
CardSharpCook CardSharpCook is offline
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Default Re: Advice on temporary transition

Thanks Cook,

so you're basically saying that the "transition" will be more mental than factual for me? (Not taking into account that the field will probably consist of better players...)

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Exactamundo. So much of poker is psycological. The stakes question is one of the biggest. I have a couple of limit students who I know to be capable of playing at 15/30 and above, but they still must go through the growing pains of moving up each level. It is (slightly) amusing that these students play better than most of the 20/40 competition, but are playing at 2/4, 1/10th of their potential! And each move up they have made has been accompanied by losses at the next higher level. Why? Because poker is psycological. Your mind most be "right" to win.

Edit: But there definately ARE differences in the games. The most important difference will be the one in your head. Once you get that figured out, then you can worry about the changes in the game.

I'm hoping this doesn't sound patronizing or arrogant. It is what I believe. 90% of the time you are really playing yourself, you are the only one holding you back. Poker is mental/psycological/emotional. Quite often the stakes question is the culprit. You will need to slay this dragon to succeed at higher levels.
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