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Old 10-26-2005, 02:29 AM
Sly_Grin Sly_Grin is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 24
Default ESPN\'s coverage hurts the game

Just like last year they seem intent on featuring the biggest assholes, therefore assuring the following year will have even MORE people acting like assholes to get on TV. Last year it was the screaming Swede (I think) with the "Ja !!!" every 10 minutes, but that was nothing compared to this year's King of the A-holes, Barry Paskin.

It's obnoxious enough to have someone scream at the top of their lungs during the entire showdown, but for that person to smell so bad the floor gets called sets a new low. I love his logic - being told that his shirt stinks, a fact he admits while proudly saying he never washes it, is INSULTING. How about my fist in your mouth, would that be insulting ? At least Mattias just gave one obnoxious yell when winning his hand, this guy is obviously just trying to get as much attention as possible.

If ESPN just ignored these idiots they'd pretty much disappear, but by keeping a camera on the disgusting [censored] it just encourages him.

Personally I found myself with the overwhelming urge to remove all the hair on his head and face with a weedwhacker and blast him with a fire hose. And I'm pretty calm, I can just imagine the reaction from those viewers more easily annoyed than me.

suggestion - less assholes, more Shannon Elizabeth. Announcers that actually have a clue about poker strategy wouldn't hurt either.
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