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Old 10-26-2005, 01:44 AM
ericlambi ericlambi is offline
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Default Loose Player Adjustments -- Question regarding Ace on The River

I just read Barry Greinstein's book Ace on the River. In the book he has a table where he lists an opponent's tactic, the typical incorrect adjustment, and a better adjustment. Under "Extremely Loose Play" for the opponent's tactic he says the typical incorrect adjustment is to wait for a good hand, and that the better adjustment is to loosen your standards and reraise frequently.

I guess I have been using the incorrect adjustment. Waiting for a good hand seems to work fine online when I'm playing 4 tables at once . . . I can't stand it when I'm at the casino watching horrible players play garbage at 40hands/hr while I wait for AK. Anyway . . . anyone on this list care to elaborate on this "better" adjustment strategy. Does this mean that you are re-raising with random cards like T9s, or you are just more aggressive with AQ/AJ/etc? Is the goal to see more flops and outplay the loose players after that?
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