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Old 10-26-2005, 12:13 AM
mosta mosta is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 94
Default Re: Should BK hire Tommy Angelo?

I tend to listen to people making more $$ than me and tend not to listen to people making a lot less than me. There is a reason why people are in the spots they are in life.
You don't pull up in a limo to get financial advice from someone who just drove up on his bicycle.

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Actually, if you were successful enough to need a financial advisor, you would know that the vast majority of financial advisors have far less money than their clients.

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a lot of successful trading strategies have been the implementation of academic ideas (often well-known ones). see eg, Milken and the market undervaluation of high-yield debt over decades (and a more recent hedge fund that was in the paper, arbing value versus growth portfolios market-neutral). those academics didn't make millions. or at least not for themselves. or maybe it is better to throw money at this year's newest hotshot--couldn't just be luck, could it?

PS I take no position on whether Angelo would be a good investment for whoever.
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