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Old 10-25-2005, 09:10 PM
xwillience xwillience is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 33
Default Second NL Post -- new to NL

i am nearly brand spanking new to NL. i mean im still wet behind the ears... ive jumped into the 6 max 50/100 buy ins at party. im not really playing my cardchips at all just pushing chips around semi-bluffing a lot picking up small medium pots and the blinds... i dont really feel like i am learning anything tho. one thing i know i need help on is the propper amount to bet. also my read on the players cards suck.. i have a hard time putting them on anything except into three categories.. they have me beat and they know it, they dont have anything, and finally they probably have me beat but they dont really know it so im going to outplay them... also i think my aggression scares them. im wondering where i can start reading up on and learning about NL play besides 2p2 (im already soaking up the forums). also i read earlier about heads up challenges between players.. im in. any info or direction would be greatly appreciated also should i be using similiar pre flop standards to limit or do some of the values change?
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