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Old 10-25-2005, 06:02 PM
Jordan Olsommer Jordan Olsommer is offline
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Default Re: What book should I listen to next


Black Like Me (Unabridged); John Griffin

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One of the greatest books I've ever read; I think this, "Working" by Studs Terkel, and "Maus" by Art Speigelman are three books that should be read by every kid in high school (but aren't already).

Getting Things Done; David Allen

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Great book and fantastically productive "way of life", but I don't know how helpful the audio version is going to be - a lot of its value to me came as a reference manual. I don't know how much you're going to be able to get out of it if you don't take notes in the car, but maybe you want to give it a shot.

The Millionaire Next Door (Unabridged); Thomas, William Stanley, Danko

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I couldn't find it on Audible, but there's an excellent book by Nassim Taleb called "Fooled by Randomness" which explains in detail why books like this "millionaire next door" aren't worth reading.

And get rid of these too:

My Life, Volume I (Unabridged); Bill Clinton
My Life, Volume II (Unabridged); Bill Clinton

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If you're going to listen to a 900-page biography of somebody, listen to a biography of someone worthwhile like Tesla or Feynman or something (I couldn't find James Gleick's bio of Feynman, "Genius", but they do have two autobiographical books of Feynman's, "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman" and "What do YOU Care What People Think?", both of which I highly recommend...this isn't partisan, btw: I would have advised getting rid of Bush's memoirs too :P)
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