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Old 10-25-2005, 01:15 PM
Jim T Jim T is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 186
Default Re: Is Mankind Smart Enough?

The problem in the question IMHO is that it ignores the likelihood that our capabilities themselves will be improved in the future.

How soon are computer enhancements going to start appearing? Things like an interface to do calculator-level math problems "in our heads" just as easily as we can currently add 2+2? Or how about being able to "remember" hundreds (or thousands, etc) of the "classics" ... or any other data you might want? How soon until a reasonable facsimile of an eidetic memory is available to everyone who wants one?

I would say that these advances in human capability will be available within a hundred years or so, and that is probably being conservative. I would also think that this is just the tip of the iceburg.

Just how human someone with these enhancements (and/or more advanced versions) will still be is debatable.
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