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Old 10-25-2005, 12:08 PM
Mempho Mempho is offline
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Default Re: Struggling with Moral Issues in Poker from a Christian Standpoint


Again, I don't have a problem with it, but I don't deceive myself into thinking what I'm doing is perfectly in line with Christian doctrine, either.

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Well, it's certainly not in line with certain denominations' doctrines. I think the productivity argument could be the most valid argument of all, however. I think that productivity is extremely dependant upon who is using the money. If one uses the money for productive puposes, then an argument could be made that that particular person is making "idle money" productive again. That might include charity, building a business, etc. I think that using money and resources wisely is important. If all you dream about is expensive cars, clothes, and not working...well, that may be a problem. Some people on this site have the desire to be productive...some do not...I've heard people talk about everything from buying a chain of Subways to sitting on their ass. I don't think anyone is "made" to be happy sitting on their ass for very long. For some of us, it is a means to another dream, however.
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