Thread: NEW Fed Chair?
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Old 10-25-2005, 12:06 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: NEW Fed Chair?

Today's WSJ has a lot of coverage about this appointment. Perhaps I'm hijacking the thread here but isn't "inflation targeting" much to do about nothing in the sense that it's more or less what Greenie has done throughout his tenure. I only see the difference between Bernanke and Greenspan as possibly the range of inflation being "targeted." Greenie seems to have a target between 0% and 3% while Bernanke's range may be narrower. To use a poker metaphor, it's like comparing two players with one player having a wider range of hands they'll attack the blinds with in late position but both players believe it's a good strategy. I think the main challenge for Bernanke is anticipating economic conditions and changes in the economy and will he do this as well as Greenie.
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