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Old 10-25-2005, 09:48 AM
aargh57 aargh57 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
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Default Re: I suck at poker, but I\'m a winning player

I also think I suck but usually after a bad run. After a good run I think I'm ready to go pro. I don't play on as good of tables as you but I still make money. The relatively short time that I've played 6 max has really helped my game. [ QUOTE ]
I think that at low limit loose tables full of players who call to the river with any pair or any draw, you don't really have to be a good player to win money. Be tight aggressive, calculate pot odds on your drawing hands, take into consideration what sort of player your opponent is (which is easy using pokertracker stats).

There's clearly a lot more to poker than just that, and I gotta learn it if I'm ever gonna be able to graduate past the lowest level tables.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think right there shows that you do not, in fact, suck at poker. If you did, you wouldn't be trying to improve your game. I think playing on the HU tables would be a good idea, at stars there always seems to be people willing to play those penny HU tables and you could get a lot of experience that way. Also, do that technique that Droolie's post outlined. He basically said to try to guess what the other player's hands were when you're not in the hand and then check the HH to see if you were right. I just use PokerAce and it tells me if it went to showdown anyway. I predict you will find that you're not so dense at reading hands after all.
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