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Old 10-25-2005, 08:58 AM
AAAA AAAA is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 40
Default Re: If God exists...

Try this one for size.

God didn't create hell. God created, among other things, humans with free will so S/He wouldn't be alone. Without free will, humans couldn't be trusted to choose to be companions for God. (The admiration and companionship of slaves or pets is always suspect, as they have little choice about their circumstances)

Humans with free will created hell through their belief that they were responsible for the actions of other human beings, or as a result of their unahppiness with the natural consequences of some of their choices.

Judgment is Mine, sayeth the Lord might be more than just God claiming the right to judge us. Perhaps S/He is not planning on judging us, as warning us not to judge others, or even ourselves, because judgment of anyone else has no use. Judgment stifles the choices of individuals who always create their own karma, based on natural consequences of behaviors.

Perhaps everyone should live the life they choose freely, knowing they have absolutely no effect on others except as others allow and accept the situation. In other words, the only one we can really affect is ourself, so we have no impact on anyone unless they choose to accept our actions into their reality. Everything else is just illusionary.

The only one we are responsible for is ourself and even then evaluation and correction is more useful than castigation and damnation. Hell is a waste of time!
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