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Old 10-25-2005, 07:27 AM
trumpman84 trumpman84 is offline
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Default Would someone explain razz to me in more detail?

It really seems like a dumb game.

It really seems to me that razz is 4 seperate games of "low card" with betting on each round.

Let's say I start out with [2 3] A and someone starts out with [8 6] 5 or some random hand. I am a 60-40 favorite at this point.

Now if I catch a bad card like a K and am showing A K, and he catches a good card like a 2, he is almost a 2 to 1 favorite now and he knows it, so he'll bet, not knowing or caring what I have in my hole. If I raise, he'll 3-bet because he knows there is no combination of cards I can have right now that are a favorite over his. Now on the next street, I catch good and he catches bad, he pair his 5 and I get a 7. Now I bet and jam the pot because I know there is no way he can be a favorite over me. It just goes on like this until maybe 7th street when there might be a slight doubt over your opponents hand though you probably still have a good idea what he was drawing for.

You really can't bluff unless your up cards are better than your opponent's in which case you are probably winning anyway, plus, your cards are out for the world to see so everyone knows what your best possible hand can't represent a made 6 low when you have X X 6 2 Q T on 6th street. Your opponent knows the best hand you could possibly have with that board is 10 low with a six low draw as your best possible draw. So bluffing is almost non existant in this game.

If there was ever a game they could teach a bot how to play as good as a pro, I think this would be it, there'd be very few betting errors the bot could make until 7th street.

I don't just seems you're playing a game where each person has all his cards flipped up and you bet accordingly...if I'm wrong or missing something about the game, please explain.
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