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Old 10-25-2005, 01:15 AM
OrangeCat OrangeCat is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1
Default Re: I\'m buying 2 kittens this week

Food: I used to feed my cats raw meat (beef heart, cost about $1/lb) mixed with a power supplement (Missing Link). This is probably the best thing you can feed a cat. It is not much more expensive than cans. It is not all that bad to give them dry food. The main thing is to avoid dry foods that have corn as a major ingredient. Cats are carnivores and don’t produce the enzymes to digest high carb foods. Eagle Pack is good and not expensive. Eukinaba is good. Friskies cans or OK but the dry food is terrible (high corn content). Manufacturers put something into the dry food that cats crave but it is like feeding your kids ice cream and Fritos. They like it but it’s not what they should eat.

Kittens need a lot of protein. KMR is good for them. Don’t leave wet food out for more than half a day.

Use the scoopable/clumping litter. The only time you don’t want to use this is if the kittens are very young and don’t yet understand what a litter box is. This is because a small kitten will eat the litter and the scoopable stuff could possibly cause a blockage in the intestine. For small kittens use the natural wheat litter called Worlds Best or similar.

Use Advantage for flea control.

Get a scratching pole wrapped with thistle rope. It lasts longer than the carpet poles and does not make a mess when they tear it up. A cat with a good scratching pole is far less likely to scratch the furniture.

In general, the best pet cats are altered males.

Laser pointers are a great toy. Easy for you tons of fun for them.

Absolutely do not declaw the cat. This is a cruel and inhumane thing to do.

Keep them inside. If you don't ever let them out from an early age, chances are they will never even desire to go out. The idea that cats need to roam is total bull.
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