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Old 10-24-2005, 10:39 PM
ddubois ddubois is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 97
Default Re: Internet Providers (Cable v. DSL)

1. It's faster (this trumps all - and I'm talking 6Mbps vs. 768Kbps).

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I can't imagine my cable being any slower. For several weeks now, every web browsing session has required roughly 1 Ctrl-R per 3 link clicks. I have to refrain from doing any BitTorrent downloads while using the computer for anything else, because the network will be unusable. When I do use BitTorrent (Azesus), my download speeds are like <30 (although I must confess, I don't know whether thats Kb or kb, nor do I know what kind of numbers I should expect) so downloading a 350 meg episode of Lost or Smalleville will take >5 hours. Maybe I have a virus or zombie or sometihng. Or maybe Oceanic Time Warner sucks ass.
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