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Old 10-24-2005, 10:02 PM
CarlosChadha CarlosChadha is offline
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Default Re: Violating a Cardinal Rule (Stud High)

I think the call on 4th is fine 3 handed...the BI will tend to RR w/ pairs more often than in a full game, so there is a good chance to are ahead.

Checking 5th is interesting...I am asuming you are going for a check raise immediately, rather then getting really sneaky and just calling. I think I'd just bet out though because all you are really doing is giving him a free shot at a full house if he has 2 pair or 3 7s. Plus, he might even raise you with 3 7s or wired As if he is particularly frisky. You are also allowing him the chance to pick up a runner-runner draw on 6th (like if he started with a 3 flush). Basically it is way to tempting for him to take a free card with anything else but trips (and you don't nessecarily make more money if he has trips), and there are a lot of cards that could come on 6th that give him enough equity in the pot to call one more be tto see the river.

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