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Old 10-24-2005, 07:00 PM
RedeemerKing RedeemerKing is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 70
Default Re: Hold \'em with no position?

depends on how aggresive they are with regards to betting. If they bet big....trap them in 2 or 3 hands all night. Play tight and play only big hands in big pots. If they bet passively then limp often and play mediocre hands, and give your skill a chance to work. If they are passive, the more pots you are in the more mistakes they make, and they more chances you give yourself to capitalzie on these mistakes. You really cant get hurt in these small pots, but if u win enough of them they add up. Assuming you dont get crazy with these mediocre hands and lose like 15 in a row I think this would be the best strategy. If ur playing tight what previous poster something to convince them your are not playing tight....even tho u are.

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