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Old 10-24-2005, 05:33 PM
fyodor fyodor is offline
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Default Re: FILM REVIEW: The Fly (1986)

I was just recommending some Cronenberg movies to someone last night after watching his latest - History of Violence.

Gotta love the George Chuvalo cameo in The Fly. For those who don't know, Chuvalo was the greatest heavyweight fighter to ever come out of Canada. No one could knock this guy down. He even fought Ali and went the distance. Anyhow he's the guy Brundlefly armwrestles with in the bar.

Jeremy Irons was brilliant in Dead Ringers and when he won the acadamy award the next year for a lesser role in a far inferior movie he thanked Cronenberg during his acceptance speech. I remember running across 2 teenage girls in a video store once and they were looking for a horror movie reccomendation. I happened to be standing there and Dead Ringers was on the shelf. I got them to take it. I often have wondered how creeped out they got.

For vintage Cronenberg, Videodrome and Scanners are classics. If you haven't seen them you should.

And how about Crash? Not the new movie by the same title but Cronenberg's film about people fascinated (obsessed) with car crashes. Without giving anything away let me just tell you it starts with a girl in an airplane hanger fondling the nose cone of a small jet. A guy comes up and starts banging her from behind. After that it gets a little weird.
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