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Old 10-24-2005, 05:18 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A \"Swings\" Discussion

kinda what I was thinking...

I have been playing for a long time live and just jumped onto party... it is like a foreign world... i can almost asure myself constant winning sessions live, but online its like i am much less in control and much more subject to statistical variance...

im sure this has a lot to do with how many more hands are played per hour... but i still seem to see players at my table who are winning despite the cards, much more consistently... it must be a major hole in my game which is being exposed by the rapidity of online play????

Live games I can get fairly accurate reads on people... online all i have to go on is betting patterns and cold-hard math so I try to play table image as much as possible...

Anyways... this is my first major downswing and I was just wondering if others have similar experiences and see how they dealt with it...
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