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Old 10-24-2005, 05:45 AM
Dopey Dopey is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Proud To Be Losing 3BB/100
Posts: 65
Default POV from someone who has been both

Don't stray into OOT often but I'll throw my $0.02 in.

I spent the first 22 years of my life uncircumcized.
At 23 I developed phimosis (as previously quoted only occurs in 2% of uncut males), after some other treatment circumcision was the best solution. I have now been circumcized for 2 years.

Having experienced both sides of it, I recommend circumcision (and not because of phimosis which is fairly rare). Mainly, with both sides being equal (which I think they are) I would lean toward the side that is more standard. Just look at the poll and you will see that the majority is circumcized (especially in America). Being different is hard for some children to understand, and while rare it can be an area of ridicule.

Cleanliness - It is not really any harder to clean, it requires pulling back a piece of skin which isn't to complex. A simple conversation about how to wash yourself/genral hygiene (which parents should have with their children anyway) would solve any problems.

Sex - I have never been denied sex after someone found out I wasn't circumsized. But to some girls/women it does come as a shock.
I have heard numerous discussions that women prefer oral on circumcized men and have found this to be true. But I was still getting head before I was circumcized.
As for feeling, the sensation is slightly different but it's pretty much equal. In reality, I enjoy it more now that I'm circumcized than I did before but I have heard opposite arguments as well.


It's really not going to make a big difference to your (possible) son's life either way. I would have any future sons circumcized as it is society's norm and I see no harm in it. But if you don't feel comfortable "hacking at his little member" then don't.

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