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Old 10-23-2005, 08:16 PM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default The utlimate hero

"Why would it be anything other than simply getting to be the little lucky sperm and egg that made it through gestation to allow me to become a person?"
<font color="white"> . </font>
So only that combination turns into "you". Might some other combination turn into the same "you" except with freckles (or a different sex organ)?

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Your being, the Here-This which is you, that-which-acknowledges-itself, that which is conscious of its existence, is the product of a unique combination of elements.

The probability of you coming to be (you and not some other variant, of which, of course, you can have no inkling) is so fantastically small as to be practically zero.

In other words, you have no business being here -- each and everyone of you.

(The ultimate act of heroism is to realize this, to stop denying it. And, instead of going crazy or committing suicide, to carry the burden of life's wonderment and horror through, and make the best of it. Ecce homo!)
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