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Old 10-23-2005, 07:26 PM
carlo carlo is offline
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Posts: 13
Default Re: The Ultimate Question

Probability and Heredity. If you are a pure materialist,then what one receives from parents could very well be relegated to "chance" if only the sperm are considered. A person could say that from the Mother(one egg) comes the solidity in life while from the Father comes the various possibilities dependent upon which sperm penentrates the egg. But in this consideration in which each sperm is different and therefore there are multiple beings vying for existance. As a materialist you could not say "I received my traits from the sperm/egg" for you are the sperm/egg combination. It is out of consideration to say you would have had different traits if a different sperm had penentrated the egg. That would be a different being.

The only way you could logically say that "my traits are different because of the sperm/egg combination" and still be YOU is if YOU are not the sperm/egg and thusly enters the soul/spiritual nature of MAN.

You enter life with a pattern of form given by your parents(heredity) but you are very much involved with your growth in all areas. The physical body which you initially recieve is more like your colors/palette in which the human spirit/soul being does his work- "the artist within".

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