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Old 10-23-2005, 06:15 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Circumcise my baby boy?

Uncut men - let's talk cleanliness.

Pain in the ass to clean? You ever get cock-stench? Ever get an infection?

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No. There's nothing to it. If a dog can get by fine, it shows how little care is needed.

Never the slightest problem of any kind. You would have to go extremely out of your way to be unclean enough to get any kind of problem. Even if you live in the tropics, where I grew up, and sweated like a pig every day all day long.

If you're circumcised, just hold your dork so the head pops out of the foreskin, give it a couple shakes when you're done, and you're good. It takes a little more care than an uncircumcised one would, but not so you'd really notice.

As to locker room trauma, anything's possible. But I went to a school with incredible and vicious bullying, and though I was neither one of the bigger nor more popular kids, nothing was made of it. I'd worry more about the trauma of naming my kid something stupid.
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