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Old 10-23-2005, 03:07 PM
Terry Terry is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: The Appalachian Trail
Posts: 660
Default Re: When Your Family Members Want In On This \'Poker Thing\'

My sister and her three twenty-something sons all once in a while say “I’ll be over for some poker lessons.” About five (or is it six already) years ago I gave them each a copy of HFAP and told them reading it was Lesson One.

Sissy said she didn’t finish it because “The plot was hard to follow and it has poor character development.” The nephews haven’t mentioned the book again, but still occasionally mention wanting to learn to play.

A year or so ago I met a friend of my nephews at a party. The subject of poker came up and I mentioned the books and PartyPoker to him. I haven’t seen the guy since, but they tell me he has quit his $60k/year job and is playing poker for a living.

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