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Old 10-23-2005, 02:56 PM
benkahuna benkahuna is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: All Christians are Agnostics.

I completely disagree with your thesis.

Some Christians believe that you can prove there is a G-d and that they have proven so. Lots of quasi-scientific stuff out there. [cough]Intelligent design[cough]

I also think your definition of an agnostic is incomplete. I consider an agnostic to not just be someone that thinks a G-d cannot be proven, but one that also chooses to not believe or disbelieve the existence of a G-d. Theists believe in a G-d and the ones I respect most consider their belief a matter of faith and not something that can be objective proof.

I do appreciate your rhetorical efforts to unify, rather than divide, people of apparently great differences.

As for the other poster, I think it's incredibly naive to not consider atheism and theism on equal levels of dogmatic thought.
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