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Old 10-23-2005, 01:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default let me preface this by saying that i\'m an atheist...

...hold no stock in astrological symbols etc...
anyhow, i've had some dreams, two to be exact that have weirded me out. i dont' remeber dreams all that often. sometimes none for a month, sometimes a few in a week. usually the former though. to the point though. i just turned 23. when i was 16, and a sophmore in highschool, i had a dream involving a girl who i had virtually nothing to do with. she was like a friend of a friend of a friend. i knew nothing about this girl. in my dream the girls mother had just died, and i was in a beachhouse with the forlorn girl. the dream was quite vivid, and to this day i can still remember some specific details. some period of time after the dream, between 2 weeks to 2 months, the girls mother was killed in a freak accident. i was kinda spooked by this, but just let it go. it pretty much slipped off my radar, and i only thought about it when i saw the girl, which happens quite infrequently.
now for dream #2. this past march, i was doing some traveling in central america. one night i had a quite vivid dream that my ex girlfriend (who i had dated for three years, but broken up with nearly 2 years previous and not spoken to much in the past year)was pregnant. a few weeks later, she we were both back n my home town. i go to school there, and she was home for easter. i ran into her, and we talked for a while, and finally i asked her with a smile on my face, "your not pregnant are you?" she got all whitefaced, and kinda started stammering incoherently. she then acknowledged being pregnant, but was quite suprised at me calling her out because she hadn't told anyone. turns out she'd gotten knocked up in february and found out about a week before i had the dream.
just two weird coincidences or what?
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