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Old 10-23-2005, 12:43 PM
WLVRYN WLVRYN is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 141
Default Bats in the cave

So I was at work last week and had an embarrasing situation occur. I was working with a cute girl that just started, and we were looking at some papers when a dried booger fell out of my nose onto one of the pages. I tried to wipe it away quickly, but it was too late and the damage was already done. We both kind of laughed it off, but I felt like a total loser. I'm happily married, so its not like I was trying to SIIHP, but its still embarrasing.

When relaying this story to a buddy over some beers, he seemed incredulous that I didnt pick my nose to scare out any "bats in the cave" each morning before work to avoid just a similar situation. I have never been a nose picker, but I've now started doing this each day with my daily routine.

Does anyone else do this? Any other embarrasing booger stories?
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