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Old 10-23-2005, 11:45 AM
Sniper Sniper is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 704
Default Re: Business Value / Selling % a good move or not?

Ok, you were gifted 8% of a 2-family owned business... is it safe to assume that the 1% you are considering selling, is being bought from you by either the person that gifted you the shares (or someone else in your family that already owns shares)?

If its not the person that gifted you the shares, I'm assuming you've already had a conversation with the person that gifted them to you?

As a side note, you can't just sell the shares to anyone, as they are likely restricted... in any event, you shouldn't sell shares to any 3rd party (unless this was done by the entire current ownership) and most especially not to the "other family" (switching the relationship from 50-50 to 51-49)
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