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Old 10-23-2005, 02:35 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: apples / miso soup

I'd buy the tofu and miso separately. Miso is a bit of a refined, complex flavor for something like a cup o' soup. Even you buy the miso and tofu separately, there's still almost the same amount of work to it -- heat water and add vs. heat the tofu in the water, and add. If you can boil water, you're set.

Tuperware is fine for tofu. Keep it in water after you open it, and change the water every few days. It lasts a good while. Unopened, it lasts months. It's really low maintenance stuff.

My family used to own some quality Japanese restaurants, so I'm very spoiled when it comes to Japanese food. I hope I find a good brand name suggestion here in OOT, too, because good miso is incredible stuff.
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