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Old 10-23-2005, 01:24 AM
WichitaDM WichitaDM is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 4
Default Re: I\'m joining NORML.

Weed has had an incredibly positive impact on my life. Ive smoked almost every day for over a year and frequently before that. I started smoking more a few years ago as an alternative to drinking bc i was turning into an alcoholic and had wrecked my car after a night of drinking. Since then i have done a lot of research and discovered that it is not only 100x healthier than drinking, but that the real health effects of it are negligent especially if vaporizing like i have been for a while now. I feel healthier than i have in years as i have abandoned drinking almost completely. The ONLY people that are anti-weed bigots are the people who have not smoked it. If they tried it they would realize it isnt the "hardcore" drug that the commercials make it out to be.
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