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Old 10-23-2005, 12:47 AM
Skuzzy Skuzzy is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 13
Default Re: How long does it take to get good at poker?

There are a shitload of intangibles learned through playing that can be really hard to conceptualise. Think about the times you 'knew' that calling the pot bet with a flush draw was dumb but somehow you put your money in anyway. Or the times you 'knew' that your bad session was just variance and randomness at work but still you decided to call that raise with AJo. Think about how easy it is to get emotionally involved in what should clearly be emotionless decisions. Poker isn't really a game that is won or lost based on what you know, it's a game that's won or lost based on what you DO!!!!

It takes a long time to learn how to do the things you know you should do regardless of how you feel, or how your running, or what happened last time etc.

in the words of a great sage " or do not. There is no try." Trying to play poker will cost you money.
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