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Old 10-23-2005, 12:19 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: I\'m joining NORML.


there's not a single argument that can be made against marijuana that can not be solved by two things.

1. - the decriminalization of marijuana. (again, we're talking issues like it being a gateway drug, paranoia, and the idea that it creates an isolated person....these aren't as a result of the drug, it's a result of the circumstances in which it has been forced to operate under - change the circumstances and all these issues go away.
2. - a responsible plan in place to regulate it. Obviously we know that no developing brain should be exposed to substances like alcohol or marijuana - it interferes with physical and emotional development so it should not be legal for consumption till 18 or 21. You should not be allowed to drive after smoking it. I have no problems with not allowing public consumption - (we don't let people walk on the streets with shots of Jag. or whiskey - we enforce open container laws) - it can be handled responsibily like any other controlled but legal substance.

I have some concerns obviously. For one, I actually believe if it's decriminalized that some tobacco companies or other corporations who start selling it will add additional ingredients to it to enhance it's addictiveness, just as they did with cigarettes. But by and large, I believe society would benefit.

and I know from personal experience there is NO WAY it can be as bad as alcohol. No one can quote me differently because not only do I have the facts to back up my opinion, I also have personal experience. Every person who says weed is bad but still drinks or smokes is a hypocrite for starters.

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