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Old 10-22-2005, 02:43 PM
deepdowntruth deepdowntruth is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 19
Default Re: Is Objectivism a Religion?

anyone care to summarize Objectivism?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not go right to the source rather than judge it based on six or seven probably inaccurate sentences on a gambling forum? Read one or two of her non-fiction books. They typically contain easily read 3 or 4 page topical articles.

A terse summary from Leonard Peikoff, her long-time friend and student, is available online: It is about 4 pages long and hits all the main points.

(Incidentally, AR wrote that the conservatives were much more dangerous than the liberals, so she didn't really align herself with the right. She was fervently against the military draft, in favor of legalized abortion, and was a very loud critic of conservatives. Take a look through her book, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, to see if she thought conservatives were her allies.)
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