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Old 10-21-2005, 09:23 PM
Danenania Danenania is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 13
Default Re: EverCrack

Yeah I remember you. I used to play a ranger mainly so read those boards primarily. But always played with a friend who was a shaman, and he was lazy, so I had to read the shaman boards myself and teach him how to play. I read all the boards a bit. I've always been much more interested in game development and philosophy issues than the specifics of any game. It's been interesting to examine some of the recent train wrecks that have been produced to see where they went wrong. Strangely enough the answer seems to always have a lot to do with selling out for short term $$, in some form or another. The best is when the devs give into letting gamers have imediate gratification so that they themselves can have immediate financial gratification instead of a solid and longstanding title. Ah, America..sigh.
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