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Old 10-21-2005, 07:55 PM
ddubois ddubois is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 97
Default EverCrack

Sony sent out emails a couple months ago offering free 3 weeks' worth of EQ play to people with closed accounts. I've logged in my two lvl 65 toons, and it's kind of good, and kind of awful. Awful, because it's depressing to see how much the user base has passed me by via mudflation, and how impossible it would be for me to catch up on all that content, all those spells to farm, those AA to earn. I didn't intend to really get back into the game, because MMORPGs require such a ridiculous amount of time investment, and I don't have that kind of time now that I have kids. But nevertheless I compulsively purchased $40 worth of new expansions and $20 worth of EQ-related website premium subscritions, and spending all day at work trying to figure out what trinket to camp instead of reading OOT. I'm wondering why I do this. In fact, I'm wondering why play computer games at all. What's the point point of developing skills in 'New RTS 3.0', or of completeing the storyline of 'New RPG 4.0'? I haven't played [censored] in a couple weeks, but really, it seems stupid to play anything else, because [censored] is the only game where you can make a non-trivial amount of money doing so.
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