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Old 10-21-2005, 06:35 PM
TienXia TienXia is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4
Default NLH, Waiting game or Unbridled Aggression?

Hey guys,

So recently ive started playing live again and that has caused me to make a few revisions to my game. Playing live made me really realize how many orphan pots were being taken and how often the original raiser gets to take down the pot with a continuation bet without any confrontation. This really started to bug me. I felt like i should be playing back at these theives. This urge has lead me to play much more aggressively online as of late. Ive been raising just about every pot i get into whether or not theres limpers before me. I lead a lot of flops and while i do pick up some of them, the table usually starts to catch on and collude against me in an effort to catch me bluffing, which i often am. Im wondering whether or not i should be trying to play this aggressive. Perhaps its just that i get LAGgy when playing this style. However, i feel like its so much of a waiting game otherwise. Should i tighten back up and just play a more straightforward game or should i stick to this style? Anyone try mixing it up like this before? Any thoughts are appreciated!

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