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Old 10-21-2005, 04:44 PM
kurto kurto is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Connecticutt
Posts: 41
Default Is there a general answer?....

A situation I'm not sure about that comes up frequently.

When you flop 2 or 3 pair, and therefore have no real redraws except for fullhouses... if there's anyone else contesting the pot, is this complete junk? Can someone give examples when its desireable and when it isn't?

You have A34K and the Flop comes AK5.... worthless?
You have A2QK and the flop comes A2Q.... worthless?
You have 9JQK and the flop comes 29K.... worthless?

I play at the $25 tables where peope tend to bet on as weak as top pair, any 2 pair, etc. Is this smart or are these hands just trouble waiting to happen?

I'll go hypothetical. Or... Three people are contesting a pot...

On the turn, the board is 4 6 10h Jh

let's say on the turn you know you are certain you have the current best high hand with top 2pair (6-10-J-A) (you were in the BB) and no low draw... someone else you are sure has an overpair (Aces) with the flush draw the third player you know has the low draw... DO YOU BET? C/C? C/F?

Sorry if this is too basic. I find 2 or 3 pair with no other made draws evident the most confusing hand on any street.
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