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Old 10-21-2005, 04:28 PM
J.A.Sucker J.A.Sucker is offline
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Default Re: $241k stripper tab

Hasn't scores been accused of all kinds of stuff like this before? I think the strippers take the tab, buy a bunch of Cristal and overcharge tips to themselves along with 20 lapdances for like 10 chicks at a time. I'm too lazy to look for it, but I'm almost positive. I'd tend to believe the CEO's side is closer to the truth than the club's. Of course, with all of the checks n' balances that scores claims, this should be a slam dunk for them, right? This is basically what all came out when the Gold club got busted and all of the atheletes had to take the stand. I'll never forget Patrick Ewing going up and talking about he banged a bunch of strippers, but he didn't pay them for sex - just lapdances and they were being nice to him. That was some funny stuff!
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