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Old 10-21-2005, 02:30 AM
JaBlue JaBlue is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 195
Default Re: Big stack NL vs Small Stack NL

You are playing too loose. Think of it in terms of multiples of big blinds.

In your 1-2 live game most stacks are 150BB. If the standard raise is 6BB, you are getting 150:6 implied odds or 25:1.

In the typical capped structure stacks are 100BB and raises are often to 3BB so you are getting 100:3 or 33:1 implied odds.

Therefore you should be playing looser in the capped buy in games. This doesn't mean you can go wild and call raises with 78, though - you're not that deep

When you can start calling with stuff like 78 is when you are playing very deep, like 300BB+ and you will get paid off big time if you have a monster. In other words, the deeper you are, and the worse your opponents are, the more crap you can call with (hopefully in position). Of course, keep in mind that you're not calling to make one pair.
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