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Old 10-20-2005, 04:53 PM
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Default Is Objectivism a Religion?

Anytime I've gotten into conversations with people that adhere to Rand's Objectivism philosophy, it seem that I'm talking to someone devoutly religious. I was wondering if others have had this experience? OR - if you are an Objectivist (uh hum, jthegreat), then what are your thoughts? I don't know any Objectivists personally, so I don't know their background. But, it seems to me to be very "religious", in the sense that the followers seem very devout, and almost brainwashed. I don't mean to offend... it's just my perception based on a few online conversations I've had.

(PS: I have read a bit about Objectivism, and to me, it seems valid on the surface, but the deeper you go, the more weird it becomes.)
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