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Old 10-20-2005, 04:47 PM
TruePoker CEO TruePoker CEO is offline
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Default Re: Poker Etiquette by Phil Hellmuth

I agree this is an exceptionally well written, informative post. I agree he is incredibly talented and your analysis is interesting food for thought.

My only critique is the overstatement: "No other player suffers as much detriment by getting busted as he does."

I understand the explanation that follows, but it is still an overstatement because it is post-hoc. First, busted = dead, and dead is dead, regardless of who you are. You are comparing two dead guys. Yeah, Phil or any pro suffers more of an opportunity cost by busting out than does some guy with no name value to protect or incremental earnings expectation. But, if the perspective is one tournament, then all players are equal, paying the same entry to win the same prize pool or dying the same death.

Moreover, Phil mitigates some of that loss by ranting/raving and keeping his name and mug on camera.

Truepoker CEO
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