Thread: Cyclical Luck
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Old 10-13-2003, 12:08 PM
Cherenkov Cherenkov is offline
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Default Re: Cyclical Luck

I noticed that many in this thread are concerned about "luck" and rushes and such. The fact is, good hands, and bad hands, clump. They have to. If you knew, sure as clockwork, that you would receive AA on every twentieth hand, then so would everyone else. The truth is, you may see AA four times in one session, then not see it for ten sessions. Mathmeticians model this using the Poisson distribution. For example, throw one hundred pennies into the air and let them land on a grid. You will not see one penny per square on the grid, most likely. You will see clumps of pennies and areas of open space. The same is true with hands and roulette (on a balanced wheel).-- Regarding the wheel. There is one mathematical theory that covers it. Bayes theorum. Let's say you divide the board into thirds. We'll call them sections A,B and C. You let the ball roll. No bet. It falls in A. Now, the theorum says that given the larger size of the two areas not hit when combined, it will be more likely that the next roll will hit B or C than A. You then bet those two. The odds will pay you off. You miss, you double your bets. The higher the limit on the table and the lower the initial bet, the more likely that you will come ahead.
Anyway. See ya.
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