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Old 10-20-2005, 01:27 PM
crunchy1 crunchy1 is offline
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Default Re: My PT stats - comments?

I understand what you are saying, crunchy - and I do what you suggest. But, I think general critique like Brett and the others gave will help me get an idea about overall bad habits that I might have developed.

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The reason I make the comments I do is because it regularly seems (in these stats posts) that playes are trying to "mold" their games to fit certain statisical parameters. This is not going to make you a winning player. There are more factors than how many hands you play PF, or how often your steal blinds or raise PF. Many of these additional factors - such as game selection, hand reading, "reading" your opponent, etc... carry much more weight when analyzed against your winrate than any statistic PT provides.

A perfect example of my point is the plethora of losing TAGs I see day in and day out at the Party 2/4 game. Sure these guys fit the stat-parameters and they get their little green$$bag icon - but they suck! And I see the semi-loose/aggressive players constantly beating up on what is really a weak-tight style of poker - even though PT shows otherwise.

Don't make decisions to fit into a particular statistical model - just make the best decision you can at each moment in time and accept what statistical model that you fit in as a result of those attempts at good decision making.

Good Luck!!
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