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Old 10-20-2005, 12:08 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Wilma is a Bitch...What would you do?

I've only read the odd short story and some essays, but really liked what I read a lot. The guy is really sharp and straightforward. So since I haven't read any of his novels, I can't pick one specifically. But I did order this non-fiction work, Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey.

It's about his trip through Iran and the Middle East after the Shah got booted from Iran. It aroused a storm of controversy, as of course anything about Islam invariably does. Let's just say that he doesn't give its manifestations in modern politics a good review.

For fiction, I think he is best known for A Bend in the River, and his more recent A House for Mr. Biswas got rave reviews when it came out. I hope to get to both of them eventually. But I could spend a long time just reading his essays and be happy with them, too.

Oh, skip the first customer review on Among the Believers at Amazon. The guy has an agenda to pound, and it's just irritating and stupid.
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