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Old 10-20-2005, 11:46 AM
hustalasta hustalasta is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 47
Default Re: Do people think you guys are crazy with so many monitors?

Poker Players - think I'm crazy for playing more than one table at once, they seem rather unimpressed with the 2 x 21" monitors.

Tech Heads - appreciate the sheer size of the monitors but don't get the idea that playing at 8 tables is better than 1.

Sister - Frowns everytime she see's the two huge monitors. Calls my poker playing an "addiction" which will surely lead me to great sin. When I pointed out the fact that my "addiction" pays more than 2x the wages she was earning at her part time job it made no difference, I'm still a sinner. This is also the same sister who used to baby her dogs, to the point of wiping their ass after they did their business (not exagerating). Once she popped out a few actual inhumane beings she then ignored the dogs that she had once showered with affection. Then when one of the dogs was about 10 and diagnosed with cancer she pawned the dog off on us, claiming they didnt want the dog to muddy up their new expensive house that they couldn't quite afford. Now I had the pleasure of getting attached to the dog and having to put it to sleep six months after our mother passed away. There is nothing quite like the joy of having a dying dog pawned off to you. Sorry for the rant, at this point I don't talk much to the sister anymore.

Friends - Stare and ask "why"? I always answer "poker", but they still don't seem to grasp the concept 8 times X BB's/hour is better than 1 x X BB's/hour.

Plan for near future is to add a 3rd 21" CRT monitor (all 3 will be CRT's) for another $100, bringing the total to a whopping $370 invested in a 3 monitor (1600x1200 res each) set-up.
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