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Old 10-20-2005, 11:26 AM
zipo zipo is offline
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Default Re: Libs, Dems: What should we do about Miers?

>>OMG, no wonder democrats are percieved the way they are. This travesty of justice doesn't come anywhere close to Hitler... blah blah blah...<<

Of course, I clarified that in the post immediately following the one you replied to. My clarification, in its entirety, is presented immediately below.

But of course you read this clarification, and chose to ignore it. This is the kind of cheap spin, distortion, and outright lies made famous by the Bush gang.

Imagine - those guys put out a full-on media campaign promoting outright lies to drive our nation a bloody and costly war, and then viciously attack the family of a man who exposed their lies.

Fortunately, some courageous, decent people of principle have had enough of these shameful Republican schemes and tactics, and are working to indict and prosecute these malefactors and bring them to justice - Delay, Rove, Libby, Cheney, Frist... In order to heal, America must bear the stench of corruption and face this foulness for what it is.

Between the prosecutors and investigators and the electorate, America will soon be taking out the trash.

>>When the full picture is looked at objectively, this was arguably the greatest travesty of justice in the 20th century<<

To clarify here, I am speaking of the United States judiciary. Moreover, while there may have been instances of more blatant or flagrant abuses of Justice in the history of the court in this century, none has had more far-reaching consequences than the 2000 presidential selection.
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