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Old 10-20-2005, 03:27 AM
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Default A Vindication of the Rights of Men

What is happening to men in society today?

We are all letting ourselves be pushed around by women. Look around you, every guy on popular tv is being seen as mewling, pathetic, and backwards... or gay.

Look at commercials and ads: If a male isnt stupid, incompetant, rude, and/or portrayed negatively in some way, he's gay.

I don't understand it. Im all for equality, I will be happy to work at home with the kids while momma does her thing at the office, but this is pathetic.

It's about time that we stood up to it. I'm not sure what I'm suggesting, but we really need to do something.

It's so pathetic, every woman is taught to be strong, independant (which is great... but leads to), and totally awful to their significant other... training, talking crap about them.

Why is it okay for us to stand their jokes about training and stuff, just take it and smile right back, allowing them to say it more? I refuse to be treated that way, and I think more men should. And no, before you say it, Im not single, I have gotten laid in the past month, and what's more, my girlfriend agrees with me.

And she's hot.... who woulda thunk that one.

What do yall think? Please tell me Im not the only one who sees it?

Case in point, watch one episode of Everybody Loves Raymond (except all the women on the show who take turns pissing on the men while they make fools of themselves).

I leave you with this poignant quote from Fight Club:

"We're a generation of men raised by women. The last thing we need is another woman."
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