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Old 10-19-2005, 06:48 PM
Deuce2High Deuce2High is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 53
Default In response to DonkeysAlwysDrw and FieryJustice...

Edit: Original post here.

fwiw, i went to the doctor for depression when i was in middle school and was on them for about 3 years. They really didnt do anything for me though. It seems like you want to be a "normal" fake person who depends on others for happiness. I have no desire at all to go hang out with people I dont care to be around. My problem, I guess, is that I really dont want to be around. Simple as that. If you are happy and content being by yourself, I see nothing wrong with it, I guess because that is how I feel. Dont expect the "normal" 9-5 working people to understand this though. I have learned to not care what others think. I guess all I am saying is to do whatever makes you happy.

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I'm with FieryJustice on this one. I have no real desires to experience any more of the life that 'normal' people my age do. I'm only 19 and I still have some good friends and a close family but I just don't care as much about alcohol and sex and parties and everything that goes along with it as much as I used to. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit, right? Some people experience certain parts of life earlier than others, others just experience too much of it way to quickly.

Anyway, it is really hard to express my feelings about these things in writing, but FieryJustice does seem to do it well. I can only give you all my word that what I say about myself is no exaggeration. I've seen/done way too many things for a person my age and I don't need to experience it every weekend. It's not depression. It's not social instability. It's just me being unafraid to do [censored] the way I want to. I'm not depressed, and I consider myself a colorful person, and I know this. But it's hard to figure all of this out by one’s self when society as a whole is telling you that if you are not on the bandwagon, you are medically ill.

Do what you want to do. But don't fall into a habit. Open your mind to everything. It is the nature of life to do what you did the day before; And to do what you did this time last year once again. This is a basic instinct that rules all of the world's life and aids in the survival of many lesser animals. But we don't need this primal instinct anymore. We are smart enough (some of us, at least) to search for better ways to live on our own. Quit looking at everyone else and look into yourself.

Do what makes you happy. And while your doing that, make sure you don't get cought up in the daily 'grind' that is (but shouldn't be) life.
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