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Old 10-19-2005, 04:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: X-Post from Zoo. Pokerroom Network

Well I must have screwed up my first response to your message because I don't see it here. Try #2 and a caveat, while this is my first message on these forums I've written quite a bit about this on the BW forums. Oh, and I'm also a fan of the poker network skins but I don't work for any of them nor have any tie to an affiliate. I'm a poker hobbyist at best, just a well informed one.

1. Can you have an account at BetonBet (Or whatever the other room is that offers RB) and Pokerroom?

Yes, they don't care and you don't have to worry about signing up on different computers or anything like that.

2. If not, or even if yes, what is better: To clear a big bonus on Pokerroom or to take rake back on BetonBet?

Short answer, clear a big bonus on PR (or Hollywood). I read elsewhere that bonus whoring is for little girls so I'll offer this is a rebuttal or at least an explanation of why it can be better than rakeback in some cases.

PR and it's skins use a new system where poker points are accumulated at a rate of .07 pts per $.10 in rake. The PR bonuses that are 7 pts per bonus $1 work out to %100 NON-contributed rake (you only need to be dealt cards). Hollywood poker has been offering large reloads every couple of months for up to $1000 at a rate of 15 pts per $1 which is about 47% rakeback.

The highest rate of CONTRIBUTED rakeback I've seen at BoB is 40% and you have to generate $7000 in rake a month to qualify for that (I guess some deals may vary). I don't want anyone to PM me about which affiliate I used, I'm not trying to give business to or take business from anyone. As far as I know, Pokernetwork rb gnerally does not work the way it did/does on the former party skins and only counts rake where you contribute to the pot (and is counted against your MGR). I've generated about $110 in rake clearing about 1200 points playing 2 or 3 tables of fullring 5/10 LHE and if I wanted to I'd make 20% rb when that number hit $200 in rake ($40). Comparatively I'd get $100 for 1500 pts at Hollywood (oh, and BoB charges a deposit fee for most methods unlike PR and Hollywood). The decision was easy for me since I don't play enough to ever run out of bonus $ (2-4 hours a day).

3. The rake is bad, I understand, but can it be overcome to make it more profitable than Party w.o RB?

I've always won at much higher rates on PR and it's skins than Party, so for me yes. The rake isn't that much higher and it's capped at $3 for big pots. But I've read that mediocre players did very well at Party playing as many tables as possible as quickly as possible hoping to do a little better than break even and relying on rb for their profits. That's not the way I play so I can't offer a comparison.

4. Is the play comparable fishiness with Party 2/4?

Yes, the play at the 2/4 level on Party and on the poker network skins is about the same though I'd say it was a bit tighter on PR. There are a lot fewer tables on PR and skins so it can be a little rocky at times but at least you get to see flop%. The fact that there are fewer tables means the bad players can't hide from the good ones. I don't use pokertracker yet so I find the note taking features, particularly the colored dots, particularly helpful on PR and skins when choosing tables. And from personal experience, the level of play from 2/4 to 5/10 is pretty much the same (the best clearance rates for the bonuses come at the 3/6 and 5/10 levels but 2/4 is still pretty good).

I've read that rb is available for hollywood so if you want to try the best of both worlds, give them a try.
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